We’ve decided to focus this month’s blog article on reflecting back on 2019 as we near the end of the year. Our small team of four has shown creativity this year by coming up with numerous concepts that have been implemented into the business, which has been extremely rewarding. We’ve updated our logo and changed Revomaze’s colour scheme to orange! The website, which has been completely updated over the course of the year, is now something we’re incredibly proud of and correctly expresses who we are and what we do.
We want to build on what we’ve accomplished this year in the following year. We’ve met a number of new customers who have fallen in love with the Revomaze’s and have told their friends about them, which has brought the team a lot of joy, especially Chris Pitt (the puzzle creator), who is still creating Revomaze’s for people to enjoy and talk about.
We released the Turquoise V3 in November, following the production of additional puzzles. Our goal was to create a beginner puzzle that fell somewhere between Aqua and Blue. It’s still a challenge with a difficulty rating of 40 out of 100, but the feedback we’ve received so far has been wonderful! Unfortunately, due to the chaos of Christmas and the excitement of a new puzzle, Turquoise will not be available until next year!

Lime V3, a puzzle that was first launched in 2012 and has a phenomenal difficulty rating of 100 out of 100, was reintroduced to our online store at the end of November. The Lime is a puzzle that will keep even the most patient puzzlers entertained for quite some time. The Lime’s first customers said it was “enjoyable,” “really nice,” and “the greatest Revo out there.” Numerous other excellent comments have been made about the Lime and the client experiences.
Our workshop machine has helped Chris and Josh in the production of new puzzles like Turquoise, as well as allowing us to construct cores at HQ, which is much more efficient for the team. If we run out of mazes, Chris or Josh, for example, can make 15-20 V3 Blue mazes in one working day, which is fantastic! When it comes to producing puzzles and new designs, the machine will be highly efficient in the future.
The Salmon design for this year has also advanced tremendously! We’re excited to hear everyone’s thoughts on the Salmon once it’s available to the public. Salmon will be one of the most challenging Revomaze puzzles yet, and we know you enjoy a good challenge.
Thank you for your continued support this year, and we wish you a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
Team Revomaze