Rachel interviews Shane!

Shane, also known on the Revomaze forum as ‘darctangent,’ is interviewed in today’s blog piece about his Revomaze experience and the creation of Indigo, where he had the incredible opportunity to work closely with Chris Pitt, the Revomaze series’ inventor.

1) Have you always enjoyed solving puzzles or did Revomaze spark your interest?

I’ve always loved puzzles. I remember being introduced to a wooden sphere puzzle and a Rubik’s cube when I was a kid. I found the journey to the solution of the Revomaze to be very rewarding. Revomaze is what really got me into collecting.

2) Which Revomaze is your favourite of the various available?

Really, my favourite is any new one. They are all unique and each adds an element to the spectrum of the product. It would be really hard for me to pick a favourite.

3) What is your fastest Blue-solving speed?

I’ve never timed myself, but I can do Blue in a couple of minutes.

4) What advice would you give to someone who was experiencing aches as a result of overuse of Revomaze?

If you are getting sore, take a break and think. Draw a map, give your hands a rest. After watching your pain level, when it starts up, take a break.

5) If you could choose any colour for your Revomaze, what would it be?

Indigo, of course. 🙂

6) Where did the inspiration for the Indigo design come from?

The inspiration for Indigo was from solving other Revomaze designs. I would think about what Chris could have created in there to stump us. I just kept track of my ideas and put a bunch together in one design.

7) What advice would you provide to someone who has never used a Revomaze before?

Start with an easy one and give it at least a 15-minute try. That seems to be the time it takes to figure out the basic mechanics and to start to develop a mental map.

8) Approximately how many puzzles do you have in your collection?

I have over sixty Revomaze’s all different in one way or another. I’m still looking for a Silver V1 or any other number 105s.

9) What motivates you to solve a challenge when it appears to be impossible?

The challenge, and then the reward. When I open a puzzle that is very hard, or when I get to a new area, it’s very exciting. I always look forward to seeing the core and figuring out how Chris made a simple feature so challenging.

10) What suggestions do you have that you believe might have a significant influence on Revomaze?

I’d like to see brass and gold plated drawbars, metal stands, T-shirts, caps, pens, keychains, spinners, and other merchandise.

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