Discover the Peach V3 journey here…🍑
In today’s blog post, we’ll take you on the journey of Peach V3 from its origin to completion! Peach has begun its journey to our customers, and we are already thrilled with the responses! We truly hope you enjoy learning more about this adventure…😃
At the tail end of the summer, we released the Peach V3, our newest addition to the intermediate lineup. Jazmin, Josh, Sophia, and Rachel collaborated for the first time in 14 years to create Peach, a very unique puzzle for the Revomaze collection.

Peach was born in March of this year, at which point we decided to make a puzzle without Chris’s help. Chris agreed to the idea after discussing it with him. The team was overjoyed! The design process began immediately at the beginning of March, when the team began sketching maze designs on paper. We teamed up and offered suggestions to make this maze as unique as possible.
Designing process
Jazmin, our accounts administrator, created the first design on April 14! She quickly became acquainted with the programming and design processes by using the tool used to design the mazes…TurboCAD. Work on the base design began with help from our product engineer Josh, as well as input from the entire team, and our design was taking shape! As time passed, everyone at HQ became increasingly excited about the prospect of creating our own maze.

From March onwards, we made minor and major changes to the design until we were completely satisfied. Up until the beginning of May, changes were made. We quickly realised, as programme newbies, that the initial maze design was completely out of proportion to the graph template…some re-designing and thinking was required! We worked as a team to re-adjust this, and Josh and Jazmin sat down to create a new design inspired by the original.
On June 19, the new design was uploaded to TurboCAD and has since gone through multiple revisions to achieve the perfect maze we were all hoping for. The team was ecstatic and proud of the final design, which was finished on July 25.

Sleeve decision making
After deciding on a sleeve colour, we requested a sample from our anodizers. After two weeks, we received the sample, and while the initial finish was slightly spotted in places, it was nearly the colour we had chosen. We were ecstatic when we received the second sample, which was more colourful. Following this, we requested a full batch! Our goal was to surprise Chris with a puzzle he would be proud of and enjoy solving, so we kept the design, colour, and name a secret throughout its creation!
We informed our customers through a newsletter after we were all pleased with the final product. On August 24, Peach pre-orders became available after we teased big news was coming soon. After a brand-new puzzle received a resoundingly positive response, the team was eager to hear everyone’s opinions on it!

We started packaging the Peaches once the entire machining and assembling process was finished. They have officially started shipping and are headed to our wonderfully patient customers! We sincerely hope that you all adore this puzzle as much as we do, and we can’t wait to hear what you have to say about our special Peachy puzzle!
Thank you for taking the time to read our blog! We hope you found it interesting and insightful into the world of puzzle design. More specifically, we hope you enjoyed getting to know more about the journey of Peach 🍑 and how it became the puzzle it is today! Is Peach V3 going to be your next puzzle adventure?
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